Pregnancy Test Kits, HCG to detect pregnancy, HCG urine tests, urine pregnancy tests, It online shopping store Nexagen Medical.

pregnancy test kit is an easy do-it-yourself method to confirm. When should you use an Are you using it the right way? How do you interpret the results? If you have these questions, read ahead to get all your answers!
What is a Pregnancy Test?
A usually
comprises a standard pregnancy stick test which may come with a small container or dropper depending on the brand purchased.
A pregnancy test kits detects the presence of Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin (hCG), also known as the pregnancy hormone, which is found in the urine of a pregnant woman.
When Do Dou Need This Kit?
Missing your period, experiencing cramps, nausea and a feeling of fullness in your breasts or tingling in them could be signs of pregnancy”.
“You can use a pregnancy test kit at home to determine whether you’re pregnant.”
Pregnancy Test: Are You Using it Right?
The should be used as per the instructions in the kit itself.
Keep in mind these tips to get accurate results:
- Take the test 2 to 3 days after missed periods to ensure reliable results
- If you take the test too early, you may get a ‘false-negative result.
- Take the pregnancy test in the morning using the morning urine sample.
- If you have a dropper at hand, use it to add the urine dropwise in the marked pit of the pregnancy test to prevent overloading
Kit Results
If your pregnancy test shows two lines, it means that you are pregnant.
The symbols may differ depending on the test used.
“A positive result on a is mostly reliable,”
Once you are pregnant, you may have to make modifications to your lifestyle. Read our Essential Guide for Managing Pregnancy Lifestyle Changes to know what changes to make.