All Silicone Foley Catheter
Foley catheters are a life-saving medical device that help doctors during surgery. A Foley catheter is inserted into the windpipe or airway of a patient and used to provide ventilation and drainage during certain types of surgeries. They come in different sizes, shapes, and materials to best suit your specific needs.
- For pediatric use, with pre- loadedstylet.
- ·X-ray detective line through tie catheter.
- Balloon capacity: 3ml or 5ml available.
- Length: 310mm.
Ref. No.: |
Size: |
Balloon capacity: |
color: |
Qty.Cs: |
NMU201106 |
6 Fr |
3ML |
light RED |
400 |
NMU201108 |
8 Fr |
3-5ML |
400 |
NMU201110 |
10 Fr |
3-5ML |
Grey |
400 |
All Silicone Foley Catheter
Foley catheters are a life-saving medical device that help doctors during surgery. A Foley catheter is inserted into the windpipe or airway of a patient and used to provide ventilation and drainage during certain types of surgeries. They come in different sizes, shapes, and materials to best suit your specific needs.
What is a Foley Catheter?
Foley catheters are long, thin tubes used to introduce fluids and food into the stomach or intestines of patients. They are made of silicone and are inserted through a small incision in the mouth or nose. Foley catheters come in a variety of sizes and designs to best suit the needs of each individual patient.
What are the benefits of using a Foley Catheter?
The main benefit of using a Foley catheter is that it allows for fast and accurate delivery of fluids and food to the patient’s stomach or intestines. This is especially important in patients with conditions such as cancer or cirrhosis, who may be in danger of dehydration or malnutrition. Foley catheters also allow doctors to perform other procedures, such as biopsies, without having to remove the entire stomach or intestine.
How do I prepare for a Foley Catheter procedure?
There is no one “right” way to prepare for a Foley catheter procedure. However, some tips that may help include drinking plenty of water before the procedure, avoiding caffeine and alcohol before surgery, eating light meals before surgery, and taking pain medication as prescribed by your doctor.
Types of Foley Catheters
There are different types of Foley catheters, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. The three most common types of Foley catheters are the suction type, the pressure type, and the valve-type.
The suction type is the simplest type of Foley catheter. It consists of a tube connected to a syringe, which is used to pump air into the catheter to create a vacuum. This vacuum helps keep the catheter in place while you're performing surgery. However, this type of Foley catheter can be difficult to use because you have to constantly pump air into it.
The pressure type Foley catheter uses pressure instead of air to keep the catheter in place. This type of Foley catheter has a bulb at one end that you press against the patient's bladder to create a vacuum. This vacuum keeps the catheter in place while you're performing surgery. However, this type of Foley catheter can be more difficult to use because you have to constantly apply pressure to the bulb.
The valve-type Foley catheter is the most complicated type of Foley catheter. It consists of two tubes connected by a valve.
How to Care for a Foley Catheter
When it comes to caring for a Foley catheter, there are a few things that you should keep in mind. First and foremost, make sure that the catheter is kept clean and dry. This means that you should avoid using any harsh chemicals or disinfectants on it, and instead just rinse it off with warm water and soap. Additionally, ensure that the catheter is kept in a cool environment, as heat can cause it to expand or contract erratically. Finally, be sure to consult with your doctor or nurse practitioner if you have any questions or concerns about how to care for your Foley catheter.
Using a Foley Catheter
A Foley catheter is a tube that is inserted through the mouth and down the throat into the stomach. It is used to allow a person to breath while they are being treated in a hospital or other medical facility. A Foley catheter can be made from silicone, which is a material that does not cause any irritation or infection when it is put in contact with the skin.
Tips for Preventing Foley Catheter Complications
When using a Foley catheter, it is important to follow these tips to prevent complications:
-Ensure the catheter is properly fitted and sized. A Foley catheter should be at least three times the circumference of your nose.
-Avoid using the catheter if you have a cold or sinus infection. These conditions can worsen breathing and make it more difficult to maintain oxygen levels in the blood.
-Avoid drinking alcoholic beverages while using a Foley catheter. Alcohol can further impair breathing and increase the risk of pneumonia.
-Maintain good hygiene practices, including washing your hands regularly and avoiding contact with your eyes, mouth, or nose.
-Make sure you receive regular medical care while you are hospitalized. If you experience any unusual symptoms, such as difficulty breathing or chest pain, alert your doctor immediately.
Silicone Foley Catheter, According to the
Franklin Institute, the first flexible catheter was invented in 1752 by Benjamin Franklin (one of the Founding Fathers of the United States) to help his brother John, who suffered from bladder stones, to urinate. At that time, patients like John had had rigid metal tubes placed into their bladder and the process was excruciating. So Benjamin worked with a silversmith to hinge segments of metal together to form a more flexible tube.
All Silicone Foley Catheter
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All Silicone Foley Catheter[/caption]
Fast forward to today, metal is no longer the material of choice. Instead, soft but durable plastic (Polyvinyl Chloride or PVC), rubber, and silicon are the primary materials used in the production of catheters. In this article, we will look at each material, and discuss why you may see a warning label on some catheters.
Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC)
PVC is a synthetic plastic polymer. PVC catheters are translucent, allowing patients and their medical providers to see the color of the urine easily. PVC is also firm, but fairly flexible for easy insertion. As PVC materials are usually (but not always) latex-free, they are preferred by those who have a latex allergy.
Silicone Use In Silicone Foley Catheter
Silicone is fast becoming the material of choice as critics claim the production, use, and disposal of PVC materials create toxic chemicals. Silicone is also clear, Silicone Foley Catheter means patients and medical providers can see the urine easily. In terms of flexibility, it sits somewhere between PVC and latex. As silicone is totally free of latex, it is also a preferable choice for those with a latex allergy. The material is also smooth, and some brands even have an antibacterial coating applied.
Among the three materials, latex is the most flexible due to the material being thermo-sensitive, meaning that it will warm up to the surrounding temperature and, as such, become more flexible. In a 2000 study by the American Family Physician organization, latex was noted to be cheaper than silicon and as a result, was preferred for long-term catheterization. However, latex catheters should not be used in latex-allergy patients.
Which material is best?
There is no one right option. The type of material you decide on using should be dictated by your anatomical needs, your situation, and your personal preferences. Talk to your medical professionals and discuss openly which works best for your situation and needs.
What are French sizes?
Another consideration, alongside the varying materials, is ‘French sizes’. Internal catheters are sized through the ‘French Size’ – a universal gauge system that is dictated by the size of the tube’s external diameter. This size is determined through a simple formula of multiplying the diameter of the catheter (in mm) by 3. So if the diameter is 4mm, you would time this by 3 to get a 12 French Size (or 12Fr).
Using a catheter with a diameter that is too large for your urethra will make the catheterization process painful and problematic. On the other hand, if it is too small, the draining process will not only go much slower, but you run the rather messy risk of urine escaping around the tube. This is why it is important to get the right catheter size.
PVC catheter users may notice that French sizes are easily discernible by the eye due to the color-coding system used on the funnels that come with PVC catheters. For example, a black funnel is 10Fr; an orange funnel is 16Fr, and a red funnel is 18Fr.
Is PVC safe for Silicone Foley Catheter Use?
An issue that has arisen in recent years has been the controversy surrounding the usage of PVC in products, particularly medical products. This is due to the plasticizer known as DEHP or Di(2-Ethylhexyl) phthalate being present in many PVC products. DEHP is used to soften plastics in order for them to be more flexible – as is the case with many PVC catheters.
Since 2015, DEHP was banned from general use under EU law. In July 2018, the EU again voted unanimously to prohibit the use of four phthalates in consumer products as research has indicated they may have damaging effects on reproductive health. The four phthalates are BBP, DEHP, DBP, and DIBP. This ban will go into effect in July 2020.
In the meantime, DEHP has been making news across the pond. If you speak with a catheter user in California, they may have mentioned that their PVC catheters now carry a warning. This is because a recent state law (California’s Proposition 65 law) dictates that manufacturers must print a warning on the packaging of products that contain DEHP, along with a comprehensive
list of other chemicals. This law is only applicable to California and not other US states.
If you are concerned about DEHP in your PVC catheters, then you may want to explore silicon or latex catheters.