Urinary Bag is a slight, adaptable cylinder set in your bladder to deplete your (pee). It's held inside your bladder by an inflatable loaded up with water. The pieces of the catheter outside your body are displayed
Urinary Drain Bag
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Catheter Care
To deal with your catheter, you'll have to do the accompanying:
Clean your catheter.
Change your waste sacks.
Wash your waste sacks consistently.
Drink 1 to 2 glasses of fluids like clockwork while you're alert.
You might see some blood or pee around where the catheter enters your body. This might happen when you're strolling or having a solid discharge (crapping). This is ordinary, as long as there's pee depleting into the waste pack. In the event that you don't have pee depleting into the waste sack, call your medical services supplier.
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You can shower while you have your catheter set up. Try not to scrub down until your catheter is taken out. This is on the grounds that scrubbing down while you have your catheter puts you in danger for diseases.
Ensure you generally shower with your night pack. Try not to shower with your leg sack. You might think that it is simpler to shower toward the beginning of the day.
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Cleaning Your
You can clean your catheter while you're in the shower.
Assemble your provisions. You'll require:
Gentle cleanser, like DoveĀ®
1 Cath-SecureĀ®
Clean up well with cleanser and warm water or utilize a liquor based hand sanitizer.
Assuming you're cleaning up with cleanser and water, wet your hands, apply cleanser, rub them together well for no less than 20 seconds, then, at that point, wash. Dry your hands with a paper towel and utilize that equivalent towel to switch off the spigot.
Assuming you're utilizing a liquor based hand sanitizer, make certain to cover your hands with it, scouring them together until they're dry.
Utilizing gentle cleanser and water, clean your genital region.
On the off chance that you have a penis, pull back your prepuce, if necessary. Clean the region, including your penis.
Assuming you have a vagina, separate your labia. Clean the region from front to back.
Clean your urethra (urinary opening), which is the place where the catheter enters your body.
Clean the catheter from where it enters your body and afterward down, away from your body. Hold the catheter at the point it enters your body with the goal that you don't place strain on it.
Flush the region well and dry it tenderly.
In the event that you eliminated your old Cath-Secure, utilize the new Cath-Secure to connect the catheter to your leg to hold it back from moving.
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Changing Your Urinary Bag

You'll change your seepage sack 2 times each day:
In the first part of the day after you shower, change the night sack to the leg pack.
Around evening time before you head to sleep, change the leg sack to the night pack.
Assemble your provisions. You'll require:
A spotless washcloth (not one previously utilized for washing) or a 4"x 4" piece of cloth
Night or leg seepage pack (whichever one you are changing to)
2 liquor cushions
Clean up well with cleanser and warm water or utilize a liquor based hand sanitizer.
On the off chance that you're cleaning up with cleanser and water, wet your hands, apply cleanser, rub them together well for something like 20 seconds, then, at that point, flush. Dry your hands with a paper towel and utilize that equivalent towel to switch off the fixture.
Assuming you're utilizing a liquor based hand sanitizer, make certain to cover your hands with it, scouring them together until they're dry.
Void the pee from the seepage sack into the latrine. Ensure the spout of the seepage sack never contacts the side of the latrine or any purging holder.
Place the perfect material or bandage under the connector to get any spillage.
Squeeze off the catheter with your fingers and detach the pre-owned sack.
Wipe the finish of the catheter with a liquor cushion.
Wipe the connector on the new pack with the subsequent liquor cushion.
Interface the perfect pack to the catheter and delivery your finger squeeze.
Really take a look at all associations. Fix any crimps or bends in the tubing.
You may likewise think that it is useful to watch the video beneath that tells you the best way to change your waste